Are You Ready?

When we hear the phrase “Are You Ready” it can mean several different things. It could mean are you ready to go or are you ready to do this? It could mean are are you ready for what’s about to come or it could mean are you ready of what’s next? How about are you ready for a change?

If you’re anything like me, life can feel a little stale and stagnant. It’s the same thing day in and day out which can be draining. It can feel like all we do is waking up, going to work, coming home, going to bed, and repeat. Am I right? Sound familiar?

It can easily feel like we are stuck in a rut we don’t know how to get out of anymore. We show up, put on a smile, and move on with our lives. It sucks right? Can’t it get tiring trying to fake it all the time?

Of course we want to change but it easier said than done. Change takes time and effort and we are running short on both of them. We are drain from the everyday tedium and it’s difficult to find the energy for something new, something to help us grow. We fire off in a million different directions, all at once, hoping something will land but nothing rarely sticks. When it does stick it isn’t for long.

But change is the reason I started this blog. I was tired of spinning my wheels but getting nowhere. When I finally had enough, and decided I wanted to go somewhere, I started writing my stuff to share. I decided to us one of my “bullets” to develop a writing habit. I think it’s been good so far.

Now it’s time to make another change. Thursday marked the end of my first official month of blogging with a total of 25 posts under my belt. Honestly, I couldn’t imagine, when I started, I would have written five times a week for this long.

As much as fun as it’s been writing as much as I have, it’s been stressful. Finding the time to write is difficult and there is so much more I want to do with this blog. Starting Monday, I’ll be posting three times a week and I’m looking to make each post more actionable. I’m not sure what this will look like but I know it will a work in progress.

For now what I’ll say is I’m excited and ready. I’m ready for this change and to continue to keep this process going. I’m ready to continue evolving, continue growing. I’m ready… are you?