One Step at a Time

Today is going to be a short and quick post. I’ve spent most of the day trying to write a single post but no matter what I put to “paper” it doesn’t come out right. The words are there but they what I want. They are slightly off and it’s not hitting the mark.

I’ve been struggling like this for the last couple of days. I have a list of topics and none of them seem “perfect” enough to work on at the moment. Instead of picking one and letting loose, I fret about each one as I move down the list. “Oh I need to do research on that one.” “Oh, I don’t want to write this one without writing that one.” “Is that really a good topic?” Over and over again, as I take a look at the massive list I continue to build and shutter.

It’s been an interesting lesson for me. I figured once I started writing it would get easier. How could it get worse? The biggest fear was putting my stuff out there and sharing it with people. I continue to get people, other than my parents, liking my posts so it must be worth reading, right?

The thing I’m figuring out now is the new fear is consistency. It’s about delivering something of value every single day. It’s about the continued worry I’m not good enough to be a writer. The resistance isn’t willing to give up without a fight and it’s found its way into my brain.

I almost didn’t write anything today. I almost let the resistance win. Then I figured if I couldn’t come up with something extremely profound I would write about my struggles.

It’s made me realize I need to evolve and grow if I want to become the writer I want to be in the future. I need to become serious. Schedule time to write, to read, and to think. I can’t do what I’ve always done and procrastinate my way through to “greatness.” If I want to become a serious writer I need to treat it seriously.

So this is what I’ve done today. I chose to write instead of giving up. I chose to share my frustrations and fears, instead of sharing nothing. I’m just trying to keep the momentum going. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” but it continues with each step I take. Thank you for reading my next step.

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