Bad Days to Good

Fuck, I am done with today. Hell, I was done with today before I woke up this morning. Was there anything wrong with today? Was there something I wasn’t looking forward to happening? Nope, not at all. I just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep until tomorrow.

I got to work like normal and tried to fake it for the day but I didn’t make it. All I could think about was writing my next blog post and ensure it got my point across. This left little room to do actual work. To set at my desk and produce the work I’m getting paid to produce. Things get into my head like a brain bug and I have a difficult time focusing until they are out.

The funny thing is I wasn’t even excited about the writing today. I have over a dozen topics on my list of future posts but I wasn’t ready for any of them. There were chapters of books I wanted to reread or articles I needed to find. I wasn’t worried about the posts being perfect but I didn’t want to waste my time. I’ve committed to posting on this blog 5-6 times per week which is forcing me to post imperfect products. Still doesn’t mean they can suck.

I know I wrote a post on Monday about positivity and how it affects your life. If I didn’t believe it when I wrote it, which I did, I sure believe it now. I’m tired, bitter, cranky, depressed and anxious, and all I want to do is go home to cry in the dark. (Is that Dashboard Confessional I hear?) I would categorize today as a bad day.

Still, I’m ok with this classification. Bad days can be a good thing. Bad days helps us appreciate the good days if we let them. Not every day can be sunshine and rainbows. The trick is to not let ourselves get sucked in too deep by the bad days. We need to stare at the bad days, embrace them, and let them go. Once our head hits the pillow, the day is over, and we get to start a new day.

Each day is a do-over. Each day is a chance to be better than we were the day before. The trick is to not be defined by the bad days or the good days but realize each day is what we make of it.

Sitting here writing, I’m glad today was a bad day. I’m glad I failed today. I was able to recognize my mindset, my feelings, and my shortcomings. Now I can take a look at my failures today to make tomorrow better. That’s exactly what I’m going to do too. I’m going to make tomorrow better.