Fear of Blogging Challenge

With this post, I’ve officially been blogging for over a week. This will be article number eight for me, out on the Internet for all to see, whether they are reading it or not. Two very interesting things happened to me during this time. First, my parents found out I was blogging and second, I admitted what I was going to by brother-in-law.

Why is this such a big deal for me? Both times I became apprehensive about the thought of someone I know reading my stuff. I was embarrassed.

The funny thing is I’m less concerned with the random jamokes on the Internet. I don’t know them so their negative opinions mean very little to me. My family and good friends, on the other hand, mean a great deal to me and this is where the fear comes into play. Like Marty McFly, I worry about one of them saying, “Get out of here, kid. You’ve got no future.”

This isn’t a new feeling for me. I’ve always been worried about being judged by family and friends. Hell, I didn’t even tell my wife I started a blog.

This fear has always been crippling for me. I get excited about an idea but as soon as it starts to feel real, I abandon it. I know eventually, I’ll have to share it with them. What if they thought what I wrote was stupid. I’m not sure I can handle that kind of rejection.

I’m not sure I would have noticed my apprehension if I hadn’t read this article from Foundr about needing mental toughness.

It then hit me like a ton of bricks. I need to conquer my fears and inadequacies but sharing my blog with more people. I need to put this out there for anyone and everyone to read. The best way for me accomplish this is through Facebook.

So that’s what I’ve done. Shared it will my Facebook community. I know I’ll be judged, both good and bad. Some people may even talk shit about it. Either way, I’ll know it’s working. This will be interesting.

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