Fight the Resistance

Today is the day I fight back. Today is the day I take on the resistance. Today is the day I take control. I know I will stumble, I will fall, and I will fail but it will be ok. I will pick myself back up and start again.

What is the resistance? The resistance is the voice in your head saying you’re not good enough or smart enough to be anything. It is the voice telling you to hit the snooze button one more time or binge one more episode. It is the voice saying you can’t fail if you don’t even try. It’s the voice which wants you to be average, to be complacent, and to be like everyone else in your life.

I’ve been average my entire life. I’ve been the person who never lived up to “his potential!” I’ve the person who continuously chooses to coast instead of growing as a person. I read and I dreamed about a life I was too afraid to go after.

I was this person because I thought it easier to follow the leader instead of blazing my own trail. Trying to grow and be better is hard isn’t it? Who has the time? I have a wife and kids to think about now. I have a responsibility to them and going against the grain would jeopardize that, wouldn’t it?

What I came to realize is being average, and staying who I am, will do more damage to my family then trying to change. The longer I remain average, the more of me dies every single day. I must be the example to my kids. I must show them what it means to be extraordinary and they can be extraordinary as well. It starts with this post. It starts right now!

I am a badass! I will fight the resistance!